The Friesian Magazine-SPECIAL EDITION

in news

The Editorial Committee would like to introduce to you the “Friesian Magazine-Special Edition.”  This issue will be published in addition to the four magazines published every year and will include past articles from the Friesian Magazine.  The editorial committee is currently developing a list of articles from history, education, inspection preparation, sport, medical etc…to be reprinted in this special issue.  This special issue will then be distributed to NEW FHANA members instead of the KFPS book on the Friesian horse that is now out of print.  The Special Edition will thereafter be available for members and FHANA chapters to use to promote the Friesian horse at events for years to come.

Several thousand copies of the Special Edition will be printed and will, over time, reach an audience far beyond the typical circulation of the magazine.  Our goal is to provide an elegant tool for answering the question, “What’s a Friesian?”

The goal is to pay for the Special Edition entirely through advertising.  Every advertisement in the Special Edition will be seen again and again over time.  Advertisers may choose to purchase multiple full pages to promote their interests.  If you are interested in an advertising opportunity in the “Friesian Magazine-Special Edition” please contact [email protected] to reserve your spot.  The goal is to have this available in early February 2022.

Advertising Prices:

Cover $2,000.00

Inside Front Cover $800.00

Inside Back Cover $750.00

Back Cover $1,000.00

Centerfold $1,200.00

Full Page [Each] $700.00

Half Page $400.00

Advertising submissions-click here

The FHANA Resource Book

THE FHANA Resource Book is now available for order. This publication is good for all NEW and SEASONED members alike. Contact FHANA to obtain your copy today.