New breeding values KFPS stallions

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The new breeding values for KFPS Studbook stallions have been worked out. All results from inspections and aptitude tests in 2019, including the First Viewing, have been added and processed.

Compared to previous years, the publication contains two changes. Firstly, the breeding values for basic gaits in inspections and aptitude tests are no longer published separately but from this year on will be integrated. This is relatively favourable for stallions whose offspring perform better under saddle and/or in the harness than when presented in hand. Secondly, new in this publication is that the stallions are ranked on a total index. For this total index the aspects exterior, movement and kinship have been weighed in together. This is a first step and in the next years breeding values for character, sport (based on KNHS data) and life span will also be added to the total index. A more detailed explanation of the changes can be downloaded by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page. The breeding values are presented in two diagrams, for stallions that have completed their progeny testing and for young stallions.

Especially in the case of young stallions the breeding values may have changed a little because the first data of their offspring have been added. The stallion who benefits the most from this approach is Markus 491 (photo). At the First Viewing this Maurits 437 son had a record number of sons referred to the Second Viewing. So 70% of his sons received the Star predicate. On the ranking for the new total index this puts Markus 491 in the lead with the highest breeding value of all KFPS stallions.

Breeding Values 2020

Breeding Values Young Stallions 2020

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