2021 FHANA Annual General Meeting

in news

We would like to invite the FHANA Membership to attend the 2021 FHANA Annual General Meeting scheduled for Saturday Feb. 27, 2021 at 1:00PM EST (10:00AM PST).  This year, the meeting will be held virtually. The FHANA Board of Directors and Committee Chairs will be presenting a review of 2020 along with allowing the FHANA membership the opportunity to ask questions of the Board of Directors and Committee chairs.

The AGM will take place first as a Webinar followed by a ZOOM to allow the membership the opportunity to ask questions virtually of the respective committees and board members.

Link to join Webinar:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87173923385?pwd=c3Q1ZmhwcmVDU3lleHZsaUYvWUF2UT09

After a small break, we will reconvene to allow the membership the opportunity to ask questions.

Link to join FHANA AGM Q & A Session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82142180687?pwd=VmNlNlZ0TzVac2gyNjBMaVVEV0phZz09

Saturday evening Feb. 27th, 2021 starting at 7:30PM EST (4:30PM PST), FHANA will conduct a virtual awards banquet to recognize our 2020 Award winners.  Some winners will be in attendance virtually and others will be supplying a video which will be played.

Link to join FHANA Award Banquet: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81144080668?pwd=Y0VuZCtFOFc4clJzUGhET0plWk1YUT09

We appreciate the memberships understanding and encourage you to join us on Saturday Feb. 27th.

The 2020 FHANA AGM Program can be found here.

The FHANA Resource Book

THE FHANA Resource Book is now available for order. This publication is good for all NEW and SEASONED members alike. Contact FHANA to obtain your copy today.