Beautiful 3 year old mare

Elena Stonecreek

Ad Details

Price: $No price indication
Date Of Birth: May 21, 2017
Lifenumber: 201702677
Name: Elena Stonecreek
Fathers Name: Julius 486
Mothers Fathers Name: Ulbert 390
Mothers Name: Echo I.S.F.
Gender: Mare

Owner Information

Name: Brenda Bradshaw
Address: 222 con. 3
Postalcode: N0E 1Z0
City: Wilsonville
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Email: [email protected]


Elena is a beautiful easy going high second premie mare. She is a Julius 486 out of  Ulbert 390. She has that full thick Mane that everyone is looking for. She will be a big mare when she finishes growing and should make a great dressage horse one day. Elena is located in Ontario Canada


Julius 486 Stb Sport-Elite AAA Norbert 444 Stb Sport Pref AAA Tsjerk 328 Stb Sport Pref Feitse 293 Stb Preferent
Wijkje Stb Model Pref Prest
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Setske F. Stb Ster Pref Prest
Ursula H. Stb Ster Prest Rypke 321 Stb
Jildau Stb Ster Pref
Echo I.S.F. Stb Ster Ulbert 390 Stb Sport Sierk 326 Stb Ygram 240 Stb
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