Information on Proposed Bylaw Change-update

Dear FHANA Membership,

It has been brought to the attention of the FHANA Board that an oversight was made regarding the new procedures for changing bylaws, outlined in Bylaw 13.1. As such, the results of the existing vote will be taken under advisement by the FHANA Board.

An official vote in accordance with Bylaw 13.1 will be conducted beginning February 1, 2024 until February 15, 2024.

We apologize for our error in this matter.


The FHANA Board of Directors


The FHANA Rules & Regulations recently proposed a Bylaw language correction that was unanimously approved by the FHANA Board. The change was then passed on to the membership for a vote.

The change in question is to FHANA Bylaw 5.2, Classes of Membership. This change is to correct wording in the Bylaws that was incorrect. The Membership classes currently indicates that a person who was a legal resident of North America may become a Full Member, a Sport/Pleasure Member, a Business, Breeder & Seller Member, or an Associate Member who did not own a horse.

Due to clarification on FHANA’s charter with the KFPS, the proposed Bylaw change corrects this wording to indicate that a person who is a legal resident of the USA or Canada may become the above listed membership types. Residents of any other region within North America may not become Full MembersSport/Pleasure Members, or Business, Breeder & Seller Members. This limitation is dictated by the KFPS.

The proposed Bylaw change brings the wording of our Bylaw into line with our existing policies. There is no proposed or actual change to procedure required as FHANA already follows the policies as contained in our charter.

The FHANA Resource Book

THE FHANA Resource Book is now available for order. This publication is good for all NEW and SEASONED members alike. Contact FHANA to obtain your copy today.