Bastiaan 510

In Australia, the 11-year-old Braggo S. (Jisse 433 x Tsjerk 328) has been registered as Bastiaan 510 after completion of the Short Test. The approval of Bastiaan 510 symbolises a double first: he is the first stallion to be approved on Australian soil and he is the first Jisse 433 son to obtain a stud license.
Braggo S. Star Sport competes at Prix St. Georges level with Jeremy Janjic which made him eligible for the Short Test. At the inspection in New South Wales Braggo was presented in-hand. Head of Jury Harrie Draaijer: ‘Braggo S. presented himself well. In the previous months the Stallion Inspection Committee in the Netherlands assessed a number of his Prix St. Georges tests. On the basis of these findings, the presentation in Australia and a pedigree assessment he received an invitation for the Short Test.’
A fortnight after this invitation the stallion was evaluated a second time by Draaijer and colleague Jury member Wil Thijssen. Braggo S. was also taken for a test ride by Grand Prix rider Rozzie Ryan. Rozzie Ryan said that he is still fairly inexperienced at Prix St. Georges level but she was very pleased with the work ethics and eagerness displayed by Braggo S. Back in the Netherlands the footage of the training was examined by Frenk Jespers and Jaap Boersma. On the basis of these data as well as his good exterior, fine lineage, high breeding values and positive character assessment the Stallion Inspection Committee has decided to advise the Board to approve stallion Braggo S. for stud services. Braggo S. was registered under the name of Bastiaan 510.
Draaijer: ‘As a Foalbook stallion Bastiaan 510 already has a few registered offspring to his name. The quality of his sons and daughters seen at inspections appears to be fine. Bastiaan 510 has a good model showing stallion expression. The correct walk displays more than satisfactory length of stride and use of the body. In trot he moves with suppleness but the hind leg should develop more activity. The correct canter shows good strides with more than satisfactory self-carriage. Bastiaan 510 is free of the dwarfism- and hydrocephaly genes.


As posted in the June 2019 KFPS Newsletter.  Bastiaan 510 (Jisse 433 x Tsjerk 328). (Photo: Lynn Jenkin)

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