Beautiful Tsjalle daughter bred to Wylster 463 and Due March 2024! A 2 in 1 package!

Where's My Stiletto

Detalles del anuncio

Precio: $22000
Fecha de nacimiento: April 21, 2015
Número de vida: 201502846
Nombre: Where's My Stiletto
Nombre del padre: Tsjalle 454
Nombre del padre de la madre: Mewes 438
Nombre de la madre: Klaske Dite K.M.
Género: Yegua

Información del propietario

Nombre: Stephanie Froelich
Dirección: 2413 LAKE CENTER ST NW
Código postal: 44685-6892
Estado: Ohio
País: Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 3308066552
Correo electrónico: [email protected]


Where's My Stiletto is a special mare that I have decided to let a very special person add a beautiful mare to their existing breeding program or start a breeding program with this beautiful mare.   Tsjalle pictured below.  She has been a proven producer of beautiful quality.  This is your opportunity to start with a beautiful mare to train further under saddle or be a broodmare for you! She is ready to breed this spring to your stallion of choice!  She is a proven producer of high quality foals.  She is very tall and has a willing attitude to work. Beautiful Tsjalle daughter  bred to Wylster 463 and Due March 2024! A 2 in 1 package! She just had her 90 day ultrasound on June 4th and she and baby are doing wonderful.


Tsjalle 454 Stb Sport Elite Pref AAA Menta 384 Stb Sport Leffert 306 Stb Sport Pref Tamme 276 Stb
Bontsje Stb Ster Pref
Jieldou Stb Ster Pref Prest Lammert 260 Preferente Stb
Wieskje Stb Ster
Welmoed fan Fjildsicht Stb Ster Pref Prest Brandus 345 Stb Sport Pref Reitse 272 Stb Sport Pref
Hoogheid Stb Ster
Hadewich fan Fjildsicht Stb Ster Pref Prest Jurjen 303 Stb
Teatske fan Fjildsicht Stb Ster Pref
Klaske Dite K.M. Stb Mewes 438 Stb Teeuwis 389 Stb Sport Feto 349 Stb Sport
Anke van 't Leegmar Stb Ster
Oekje-Vrouwkje Stb Ster Pref A Oege 267 Preferente Stb
Weminette Preferente Stb
Paula P. Stb Kroon AA Onne 376 Stb Sport Leffert 306 Stb Sport Pref
Ytsje Stb Ster Pref
Wilhelmina N. Stb Ster Nammen 308 Stb
Fabiolaa Stb Ster Pref Prest