Gorgeous, elegant filly - Rini is sold. Rielle is available.


Detalles del anuncio

Precio: $10500
Fecha de nacimiento: June 5, 2021
Número de vida: 202102571
Nombre: Rini
Nombre del padre: Tonjes 459
Nombre del padre de la madre: Onne 376
Nombre de la madre: Janet P.J.
Género: Yegua

Información del propietario

Nombre: robin daum kowalski
Dirección: 252 Old Camp Catawba Rd
Código postal: 28605-9529
Ciudad: Blowing Rock
Estado: Carolina del Norte
País: Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 8039203456
Correo electrónico: [email protected]


Rini is SOLD.
Rielle is still available

Rini is a gorgeous elegant, upright filly. Her dam is Janet PJ, an imported ster mare.  Her sire the great Tonjes 459 in Canada.

My foals are all my "babies" and handled daily. A good home is required. References will be checked.
I plan to take her to the Sept keuring. Her price may increase after that.

I have a 2nd gorgeous filly, Rielle.
Rielle sire is Meinse from Iron Springs Farm. She can be a Christmas present for someone, going home in Dec. 

These are my only two foals. I am not a large breeding facility. These foals are well loved pets. 


Tonjes 459 Stb Sport AA Antón 343 Stb Sport Pref Oege 267 Preferente Stb Wessel 237 Preferente Stb
Wieske Stb Ster Pref
Iduna Stb Ster Pref Prest Tjimme 275 Stb
Penni Stb Ster Pref
Tjallina W. Stb Modelo AA Ulke 338 Stb Sport Tjimme 275 Stb
Fabiolaa Stb Ster Pref Prest
Douwina W. Stb Ster Pref Leffert 306 Stb Sport Pref
Doet Stb Ster Pref
Janet P.J. Stb Ster Onne 376 Stb Sport Leffert 306 Stb Sport Pref Tamme 276 Stb
Bontsje Stb Ster Pref
Ytsje Stb Ster Pref Hearke 254 Stb Sport Pref
Korrie Stb Ster Pref
Walsdame P.J. Stb Ster Pref Prest Harmen 424 Stb Sport Teunis 332 Stb Sport Pref
Jildau Stb Ster Pref
Renneke Stb Ster Pref Tsjalling 235 Preferente Stb
Tietie Stb Ster